Monday, March 7, 2011

FIFA 10 for iPhone/iPod touch

fifa 10
fifa 10
EA hasn’t cut any corners with FIFA 10. It features loads of teams across all the major leagues, plus a good few smaller ones (stretching right down to English League 2). It’s got full commentary, licensed tracks (though you can personalise these, so there is no more instances of growing to hate a once-loved anthem after hearing it for the 200th time) and all the slick presentation you’d expect from an EA Sports title.
That’s the checklist of minor details done. What you want to know is how it plays.
EA has maintained the use of a virtual analogue stick and buttons – what other way is there? – but it’s taken a few wise steps to minimise some of the fumbling inherent with such a system. For starters, it’s opted to provide only two command buttons (ostensibly pass and shoot).
It’s a feature shared with Real Football, but FIFA has always prided itself on being a deeper, more sim-like representation of the sport.
The developers have maintained this by adding some clever combination commands. Through balls and one-twos are activated by touching and sliding either way between the two buttons, while skills are activated by touching and sliding up towards the action.
Long balls and finesse shots are activated by double taps of the respective buttons (with the second touch being held for the appropriate length during a lofted pass). Sprinting is merely a case of pushing further in the appropriate direction.
Perhaps the most subtly revolutionary aspect appears to be the ability to select a player by touching them. It promises to be the best solution yet to the classic “no, not him, him!” rage experienced by all footy game fans.
Other notable features include the implementation of ‘Be a Pro’ mode from the recent console versions. This tasks you with creating a player and seeing them through a full career. During games, you control only him (leading to a 90 degree switch in perspective), following an indicator to ensure you’re in the correct area of the pitch and making the right decision when you receive the ball.



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