Monday, March 7, 2011

iMut8r for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

It’s that time of year again! Celebrate Halloween with ghoulish, scary, eye-popping Mut8shuns! With a new character set with ghoulish features, you feel like a mad scientist as you transform family and friends into demons, zombies, werewolves and other creations by mixing and matching various elements from each character!
iMut8r is a creative application that allows you to transform photos into terrifying portraits of macabre! The combinations are endless! With the ability to switch between genres, you can cross-morph your characters into wicked hybrids of horror!
With 7 character options to choose from, including Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Freakenthings, Demons, and the brand-new Ghouls, you’ll spend countless hours turning your friends into things that go bump in the night! 

With a unique fading feature, iMut8r allows you to realistically blend your Mut8shuns into your photos, enabling a realistic, disturbing, and often-hilarious finishing touch.
You will be amazed at how much fun it is to play with iMut8r, the combinations are endless, hours of fun Mut8ing your friends and family. Save your Mut8shuns to your Camera Roll. Add your Mut8shuns to your Facebook page. Bring your Mut8shun back into iMut8r and add a new character to it.
Designed and created by cinematic FX powerhouse Legacy Effects, iMut8r allows you to celebrate the spirit of Halloween year-round!
iMut8r – The evolution of horror… a revolution in iPhone entertainment!
***** Some Useful Tips *****
Make sure you lock the “FADE” effect by clicking the Fade button a second time or it will not keep your setting when you change screens!
When positioning or scaling effect layers, ensure your fingers are on or ABOVE the object and of course stay clear of the navigation buttons. To move, slide your finger until effect is in desired place. Pinch in to shrink or out to enlarge. These effects will not function when fingers are below the object.
To rotate an effect layer plant one finger in place on or above object and rotate the other finger around it. This enables you to focus the rotation around a specific point. Rotation will not work if fingers are below effect.
***** How to Mut8 multiple People in one photograph *****
1 – Import your image from the camera or your photo library
2 – Image will load into the alignment page, but ignore the single face alignment and just scale the image so that all of the people that you want to Mut8 remain visible.
3 – click “Preview”
4 – click “Save alignment” (this will save that alignment to your Camera Roll and will speed up future Mut8ing of that image) or click “Finish”. Note: You may not see everyone in the Preview Page, but don’t worry, it will work. We almost got rid of the alignment and preview pages altogether, but it works well for the single portrait. You really don’t need it though since you can scale each layer and each piece, but it does make it easier for a single portrait.
5 – Mut8 your first victim in whole or with just parts. You will need to pinch, scale and fade each layer now and align them onto your victims face.
6 – click “Done”
7 – on the save page, click “Switch Character” (this will in essence flatten the current Mut8shun you just did, and return you to the character selection page to begin Mut8ing the other people in your photo.)
8 – Repeat steps 5-7 until you’ve Mut8′d everyone that you want to Mut8.
9 – click “Done” and then save as desired.



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